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Lab events and coverage

Our group makes engagement with the public a priority. We have received financial support from the Wellcome Trust to develop an interactive display that can easily be transported to multiple venues. Our group readily discuss how our bodies maintain long-term rhythms and the role of our environment to maintain health and wellbeing. Most questions we received focus on the detrimental impacts of environmental disruption (e.g. sleep deprivation, climate change) and how the birth of month contribute to various pathological conditions. We also provide public lectures at local venues/events.


Please feel free to ask for our involvement in your events. Interested? contact us


Select media coverage

Our research has been covered by over 30 different media outlets, below is a selection of recent press

Scrutton N, Stevenson TJ 2018 Proc Roy Soc Open Sci [altmetrics Top 5% of all research]
The Week
Business Insider

Featured in the BBC News Quiz of the week


Baker M et al., 2016 PNAS
New Scientist

ABC News
Financial Express

Yahoo News

Stevenson TJ et al., 2015 Proc R Soc [altmetrics Top 5% of all research]
The Guardian

The Telegraph

The Times

Daily Mail

Stevenson TJ, Prendergast BJ 2013 PNAS
Science Daily 

BBC news.jpg
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