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We are happy to provide pdf(s) files of relevant publication(s) upon request.

  • 59. Waddell H, Stevenson TJ, Mole DJ. 2023. The role of the circadian rhythms in critical illness with a focus on acute pancreatitis. Heliyon 9:E15335.

  • 58. Majumdar G, Liddle TA, Stewart C, Marshall CJ, Bain M, Stevenson TJ. 2023. FSHβ links photoperiodic signaling to seasonal programs in bird reproduction. eLife,

  • 57. Perez JH, Tolla E, Bishop VR, Foster RG, Peirson SN, Dunn IC, Meddle SL, Stevenson TJ. 2023. Functional inhibition of vertebrate ancient opsin facilitates photoperiod induction of reproductive recrudescence in male Japanese quail. Hormones and Behavior, 148:105298.

  • 56. Stevenson TJ, 2022. An introduction to the Special issue on seasonal rhythms in birds and mammals. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A 337:871-872.

  • 55. Stevenson TJ, Peng KY, Rouse Jr M, Alward BA, Ball GF. Social regulation of immediate early gene induction in gonadotropin releasing-hormone 1 neurons and singing behavior in Border canaries (Serinus canaria). Physiology and Behavior, 256:113959.

  • 54. Stewart C, Liddle TA, Stevenson TJ. 2022. Abundance, efficiency and stability of reference transcript expression in a seasonal rodent: the Siberian hamster. PLoS One 17:e0275263.

  • 53. Stewart, Hamilton G, Marshall CJ, Stevenson TJ. 2022. Transcriptome analyses of nine endocrine tissues identifies organism-wide transcript distribution and structure in the Siberian hamster. Scientific Reports 12:13552.

  • 52. Liddle TA, Stevenson TJ, Majumdar G. 2022. Photoperiodic regulation of avian physiology: from external coincidence to seasonal reproduction. Journal of Experimental Zoology, A. 337:890-901.

  • 51. Stevenson TJ, Liddle TA, Stewart C, Marshall CJ, Majumdar G. 2022. Neural programming of seasonal physiology in birds and mammals: a modular perspective. Hormones and Behavior, 142:105153.

  • 50. Kronfeld-Schor N, Schernhammer ES, Stevenson TJ, Dopico XC, Dayan T, Nickbaksh S, Martinez M, Cazarez-Marquez F, Helm B. 2021. Drivers of infectious disease seasonality: possible implications to COVID-19. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 36:35-54.

  • 49. Tolla E, Stevenson TJ. 2020. Photoperiod induced changes in hypothalamic de novo DNA methyltransferase expression is independent of triiodothyronine in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 299:113604.

  • 48. Stevenson TJ, Hanson H, Martin M. 2020. Theory, hormones and life history stages: an introduction to epigenetic variation in endocrine systems. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 60:1454-1457.

  • 47. Mccaw B, Stevenson TJ, Lancaster LT. 2020. Epigenetic responses to temperature and climate. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 60:1469-1480.

  • 46. Tolla E, Stevenson TJ. 2020. Sex differences in the role of supplementary environmental cues for timing seasonal reproduction in mammals and birds. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 60:1506-1516.

  • 45. Helfer G, Stevenson TJ. 2020. Pleiotropic effects of proopiomelanocortin and VGF nerve growth factor inducible neuropeptides for the long-term regulation of energy balance. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 514:-.

  • 44. Coyle CS, Tolla E, Caso F, Barrett PJ, Tello J, Stevenson TJ. 2020. Ovarian hormones induce de novo DNA methyltransferase expression in the Siberian hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus during proestrus. Journal of Neuroendocrinology 32:e12819.

  • 43. Lisci C, Lewis JE, Stevenson TJ, Daniel ZC, Monnier C, Marshall HJ, Fowler M, Ebling FJ, Ferri GJ, Cocco C, Jethwa PH. 2019. Photoperiodic changes in adiposity increase sensitivity of female Siberian hamsters to systemic VGF derived peptide TLQP-21. PLoS One, 14:e0221517 

  • 42. Bao R, Onishi KG, Tolla E, Ebling FJP, Lewis JE, Barrett PJ, Prendergast BJ, Stevenson TJ. 2019. Genome sequencing and transcriptome analyses of the Siberian hamster hypothalamus identify mechanisms for seasonal energy balance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116:13116-13121.

  • 41. Onishi KG, Prendergast, BJ Stevenson TJ. 2019 Effects of exogenous triiodothyronine on cytokine and behavioral responses to simulated systemic infection. Hormone and Behavior, accepted

  • 40. Pérez JH, Tolla E, Dunn I, Meddle SL, Stevenson TJ. A comparative perspective on extra-retinal photoreception. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 30:39-53.

  • 39. Scrutton NA, Stevenson TJ. 2018 Appetitive information seeking behaviour reveals robust daily rhythmicity for internet-based food-related key word searches. Roy Soc Open Sci, 5:172080.

  • 38. Stevenson TJ. 2018 Epigenetic regulation of biological rhythms: an evolutionary ancient molecular timer. Trends in Genetics, 43:90-100.

  • 37. Stevenson TJ. Alward BA, Ebling FJP, Fernald RD, Kelly A, Ophir A. 2018. Revisiting Krogh’s principle and the value of the comparative approach. Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5(1):118-125.

  • 36. Stevenson TJ. 2017. Environmental and hormonal regulation of neuroendocrine epigenetic enzymes. Journal of Neuroendocrinology; 29(5).

  • 35. Stevenson TJ. 2017. Circannual and circadian rhythms in hypothalamic DNA methyltransferase and histone deacetylase in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 243:130-137.

  • 34. Stevenson TJ, Kumar V. 2017. Neural control of daily and seasonal timing of bird migration. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 203:399-409.

  • 33. Lynch EWJ, Coyle CS, Stevenson TJ. 2017 Light and hormonal regulation of histone deacetylase 1, 2, 3 in reproductive tissues. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 246:194-199.

  • 32. Lynch EWJ, Coyle CS, Lorgen M, Campbell E, Bowman A, Stevenson TJ. 2016. Cyclical DNA methyltransferase 3a expression is a seasonal and oestrus timer in reproductive tissues. Endocrinology, 157:2469-2478.

  • 31. Bakker K, Martinez-Bakker M, Helm B, Stevenson TJ. Digital epidemiology reveals global childhood disease seasonality and the effects of immunization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113:6689-6694.

  • 30. Banks R, Delibegovic M, Stevenson TJ. 2016. Triiodothyronine reduces peripheral leukocytes in photo-regressed hamsters. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 31:299-307.

  • 29. Stevenson TJ, et al., 2015. Disrupted seasonal biology impacts health, food security, and ecosystems. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:1-10.

  • 28. Stevenson TJ, Prendergast BJ. 2015. Photoperiodic time measurement and seasonal immunological plasticity. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 37:76-88.

  • 27. Prendergast BJ, Cable EA, Stevenson TJ, Onishi KG, Zucker I, Kay LM. 2015. Circadian disruption alters the effects of lipopolysaccharide treatment on circadian and ultradian locomotor activity and body temperature rhythms of female Siberian hamsters. Journal of Biological Rhythms 30:543-556.

  • 26. Rouse ML, Stevenson TJ, Fortune ES, Ball GF. 2015. Reproductive state modulates testosterone-induced singing in adult female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Hormones & Behavior, 72:78-87.

  • 25. Alward BA, Mayes W, Peng K, Stevenson TJ, Balthazart J, Ball GF. 2014. Dissociable effects of social context on song and doublecortin immunoreactivity in male canaries. European Journal of Neuroscience, 40:2941-2947.

  • 24. Prendergast BJ, Onishi KG, Patel PN, Stevenson TJ. 2014. Circadian arrhythmia dysregulates emotional behaviors in aged Siberian hamsters. Behavioral Brain Research, 261:146-157.

  • 23. Stevenson TJ, Bradley SP, Onishi KJ, Prendergast BJ, 2013. Cell-autonomous iodothyronine deiodinase expression mediates seasonal plasticity in immune function. Brain, Behavior, Immunity, 36:61-70.

  • 22. Stevenson TJ, Prendergast BJ. 2013. Reversible DNA methylation regulates seasonal photoperiodic time measurement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110:16651-16656.

  • 21. Prendergast BJ, Cable EJ, Patel PN, Pyter LM, Onishi KJ, Stevenson TJ, Ruby NF, Bradley SP. 2013. Impaired leukocyte trafficking and skin inflammatory responses in hamsters lacking a functional circadian system. Brain, Behavior, Immunity, 32:94-104.

  • 20. Prendergast BJ, Stevenson TJ, Zucker I. 2013. Sex differences in Siberian hamster locomotor rhythms. Physiology & Behavior, 17:206-212.

  • 19. Prendergast BJ, Pyter LM, Patel PN, Stevenson TJ, 2013. Rapid induction of hypothalamic iodothyronine mRNA by photoperiod and melatonin in juvenile male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Endocrinology, 154:831-841.

  • 18. Stevenson TJ, Bernard DJ, McCarthy MM, Ball GF. 2013. Photoperiod dependent regulation of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 messenger ribonucleic acid in the songbird brain. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 190:81-87.

  • 17. Prendergast BJ, Cable EJ, Cisse YM, Stevenson TJ, Zucker I. 2013. Pineal and gonadal influences on ultradian locomotor rhythms of male Siberian hamsters. Hormones & Behavior, 63:54-64.

  • 16. Stevenson TJ, Replogle K, Drnevich J, Clayton DF, Ball GF. 2012. High throughput brain analysis reveals dissociable gene expression profiles from two independent neural systems involved in regulating social behavior. BMC Neuroscience 13:126.

  • 15. Stevenson TJ, Ball GF. 2012. Disruption of neuropsin mRNA expression via RNAi facilitates the photoinduced increase in thyrotropin-stimulating subunit beta in birds. European Journal of Neuroscience 36:2859-2865.

  • 14. Stevenson TJ, Small T, Ball GF, Moore IT, 2012. Variation in Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 and the song control system in a tropical breeding bird, the Rufous-collared sparrow are dependent on sex and reproductive state.  General and Comparative Endocrinology, 178:1-7.

  • 13. Stevenson TJ, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Hahn TP, Ball GF. 2012. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone plasticity: a comparative perspective. Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 33:287-300.

  • 12. Stevenson TJ, Calabrese MD Ball GF. 2012. Variation in enkephalin immunoreactivity in the social behavior network and song system in male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) is dependent on breeding state. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 43:87-95.

  • 11. Stevenson TJ, Hahn TP, Ball GF, 2012. Variation in gonadotropin releasing-hormone-1 gene expression in the preoptic area predicts transitions in seasonal reproductive state. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 24:267-274.

  • 10. Stevenson TJ, Ball GF. 2011. Information theory and the neuropeptidergic regulation of seasonal reproduction in mammals and birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 278:2477-2485.

  • 9. Stevenson TJ, Ball GF. 2010. Photoperiodic differences in a forebrain nucleus involved in vocal plasticity: enkephalin immunoreactivity reveals volumetric variation in song nucleus lMAN but not NIf in the male European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). Developmental Neurobiology, 70:751-763.

  • 8. MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Stevenson TJ, Watts HE, Pereyra M, Hahn TP. 2009. The evolution of photoperiod response systems and seasonal GnRH plasticity in birds.  Integrative and Comparative Biology, 49:580-589.

  • 7. Cornil CA, Stevenson TJ, Ball GF. 2009. Are rapid changes in gonadal testosterone release involved in the fast modulation of brain estrogen effects? General and Comparative Endocrinology, 163:298-305.

  • 6. Stevenson TJ, Bernard DJ, Ball GF.2009. Photoperiodic condition is associated with region-specific expression of GNRH1 mRNA in the male starling preoptic area (Sturnus vulgaris). Biology of Reproduction, 81:674-680.

  • 5. Stevenson TJ, Ball GF. 2009. Anatomical Localization of the Effects of Reproductive State, Castration and Social Milieu on Cells Immunoreactive for Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone – I in Male European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) Journal of Comparative Neurology, 517:146-155.

  • 4. Stevenson TJ, Lynch KS, Ball GF, Bernard DJ. 2009. Cloning of the gonadotropin releasing-hormone I complementary DNAs in songbirds facilitates dissection of mechanisms mediating seasonal changes in reproduction. Endocrinology, 150:1826-1833.

  • 3. Stevenson TJ, Bentley GE, Hampson E, Arckens L, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2008. Effects of social cues on GnRH-I, GnRH-II and reproductive physiology in female house sparrows (Passer domesticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 156:385-394.

  • 2. Stevenson TJ, Arckens L, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2007.  Distribution of immunoreactive GnRH-II in the male house sparrow brain (Passer domesticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 150:96-105.

  • 1. Stevenson TJ, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2005. Season- and age- related variation in neural cGnRH-I and cGnRH-II immunoreactivity in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). General and Comparative Endocrinology, 143:33-39.

Book chapters:

  • 5. Tolla E, Perez J, Meddle SL, Stevenson TJ. 2018. Neuroendocrine regulation of seasonal reproduction. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Neuroendocrine and Autonomic Systems. Ed Nelson RJ. Oxford University Press.

  • 4. Coyle CS, Tolla E, Stevenson TJ. 2018. Rhythmic epigenetics in neuroendocrine and immune systems. In Developmental Neuroendocrinology eds Wray S & Blackshaw S. Springer, New York, :-.

  • 3. Stevenson TJ & Lincoln GA. 2017. Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulating Circannual Rhythms. In Biological Timekeeping: Clocks, Rhythms and Behaviour (Kumar V., ed.) Springer, India. Chap 29.

  • 2. Stevenson TJ, Prendergast BJ, & Nelson RJ. 2017. Mammalian seasonal rhythms: behavior and neuroendocrine substrates. In Hormone, Brain Behavior v3. Eds Pfaff & Joels, Elsevier Sci (USA) Chap 19.

  • 1. Helm B & Stevenson TJ. 2015. Circannual rhythms: history, present challenges, future directions. In Annual, lunar and tidal clocks: patterns and mechanisms of nature’s enigmatic rhythms. Numata, H & Helm B (eds) Springer Japan: Tokyo. Pg 213-225.

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