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Interested to join the group? Please send an email to Tyler Stevenson (or any group member) to inquire about research possibilities. Please ensure you include a brief statement of interest and curriculum vitae. Below are current vacancies and funding opportunities.

Current vacancies

There are 2 PhD studentships available:

College MVLS studentship: here

MRC Precision Medicine studentship: here

We generally accept 3-5 undergraduate and masters research students each year. Our students have been highly successful in summer research scholarships provided by the British Society of Neuroendocrinology, Society for Reproduction and Fertility.

Alternative funding opportunites

There are several options available to secure independent research funding.

Post-Doctorate opportunities for UK/EU residents:

BBSRC David Phillips Research fellowships: here

NERC Independent Research fellowships: here

Leverhulme Trust Early Career fellowships: here

Marie Curie fellowships: here

PhD & Post-Doctorate opportunities for Canadians:

NSERC PhD & Post-Doctorate funding: here 

Royal Society Newton International fellowships: here


PhD & Post-Doctorate opportunities for Commonwealth citizens:

British Council scholarship and fellowships: here

Royal Society Newton International fellowships: here

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